Using IPA to provide automount maps for NFSv4 home directories

Since the invention of NFSv4, automount NFS home directories is secure. Since the invention of IPA, its easier to set up and maintain. This article guides you trough the steps needed to set it up. The procedures have been tested on RHEL7.1 for the IPA servers, RHEL6.6 and 7.1 as clients but should work on Fedora and CentOS. Unfortunately it seems not to work (yet) for Debian Sid and Ununtu. [Update] Works in Ubuntu 14.04[/Update]


  • Your Domain is
  • Your Kerberos Realm is EXAMPLE.COM
  • The NFS server is
  • The exported home directories are on /exports/home
  • The client is
  • A few words about security and kerbrized NFS
    There are basically three different modes: krb5, krb5i and krb5p.

    • krb5 means that the server and client authenticate each other, traffic can be intercepted.
    • krb5i the same as krb5 but providing integrity. It verifies that the data has not been tampered with, but traffic still can be intercepted.
    • krb5p like the two above, plus privacy protection, all traffic is encrypted.

    Depending on the sensitivity of the data to be transferred krb5i or krb5p should be used. Also keep in mind that the higher the security the lower the throughput is.

    Work to do on one of the IPA replicas

    Add the NFS service principal for the server and client to Kerberos.

    [root@ipa1 ~]# ipa service-add nfs/
    [root@ipa1 ~]# ipa service-add nfs/

    Assume you are only using one location, you can use the default one.

    Add the auto.home map

    [root@ipa1 ~]# ipa automountmap-add default auto.home
    Added automount map "auto.home"
      Map: auto.home
    [root@ipa1 ~]# 

    And add the auto.home map to auto.master

    [root@ipa1 ~]# ipa automountkey-add default --key "/home" --info auto.home auto.master
    Added automount key "/home"
      Key: /home
      Mount information: auto.home
    [root@ipa1 ~]# 

    Finally add the key to the auto.home map

    [root@ipa1 ~]# ipa automountkey-add default --key "*" --info "-fstype=nfs4,rw,sec=krb5,soft,rsize=8192,wsize=8192" auto.home
    Added automount key "*"
      Key: *
      Mount information: -fstype=nfs4,rw,sec=krb5i,soft,rsize=8192,wsize=8192
    [root@ipa1 ~]# 

    Configure the NFS server
    Create a Kerberos Keytab for your NFS server

    [root@nfs ~]# kinit admin
    [root@nfs ~]# ipa-getkeytab -s -p nfs/ -k /etc/krb5.keytab

    Tell your NFS service to use NFSv4

    [root@nfs ~]# perl -npe 's/#SECURE_NFS="yes"/SECURE_NFS="yes"/g' -i /etc/sysconfig/nfs

    Create your NFS share and start the NFS server

    [root@nfs ~]# mkdir /exports/home
    [root@nfs ~]# echo "/exports/home  *(rw,sec=sys:krb5:krb5i:krb5p)" >> /etc/exports
    [root@nfs ~]# service nfs start
    [root@nfs ~]# chkconfig nfs on

    Configure your clients

    Get the Kerberos keytab

    [root@ipaclient1 ~]# ipa-getkeytab -s -p nfs/ -k /etc/krb5.keytab

    Finally you need to configure your client systems to map use of the automount maps provided by IPA

    [root@login ~]# ipa-client-automount --location=default
    Searching for IPA server...
    IPA server: DNS discovery
    Location: default
    Continue to configure the system with these values? [no]: yes
    Configured /etc/nsswitch.conf
    Configured /etc/sysconfig/nfs
    Configured /etc/idmapd.conf
    Started rpcidmapd
    Started rpcgssd
    Restarting sssd, waiting for it to become available.
    Started autofs
    [root@login ~]# 

    Strange problems you can run into

    If you run into troubles, enable debugging in the related daemons. In /etc/sysconfig/autofs, add a line LOGGING=debug.
    Add debug_level = 9 in the [autofs] stanza.

    If you have something like this in /var/log/messages

    lookup(file): failed to read included master map auto.master

    Then probably your nsswitch.conf does not point to sss. Ensure you have

    automount:  files sss

    In your nsswitch.conf. This should actually be configured by ipa-client-automount but it seems that it is not 100% reliable to do so.

    If you have something like this in /var/log/messages:

    Mar 14 20:02:37 ipaclient nfsidmap[3039]: nss_getpwnam: name '' does not map into domain 'localdomain'

    Then check your /etc/hosts file if all is correct. Also ensure that the short hostname is not in front of the FQHN. Another mistake can trigger the same error: DNS. Ensure you have a working DNS setup for both A (and/or AAAA) and PTR records.

    Read further
    There are plenty of docs available, there is a choice

    Have fun! 🙂

5 thoughts on “Using IPA to provide automount maps for NFSv4 home directories

  1. Jackson says:

    It works like a charm!

    However, I found if a public key is used to ssh into the client, I won’t get a correct permission, unless a “kinit” command is used.

    Any idea?

    • Luc de Louw says:


      If you are using public key authentication, then your user is not authenticated against the Kerberos server. Kerberos can also be a replacement for public key authentication when the machine where you are logging in from is also kerberized and in the same Kerberos realm.



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